What Are the Two Conditions for a Tree to Be Considered a Risk?

When it comes to assessing the risk of a tree, two conditions must be met in order for it to be considered dangerous. Firstly, the tree must be defective in some way, either in its entirety or in part. Secondly, there must be an objective that is threatened by the tree's condition. The age of the tree is also an important factor when it comes to determining whether or not it is hazardous for Tree Services on Isle of Palms SC.Every species of tree has an expected lifespan, and as the tree ages, the risk of failure increases.

This is why it is important to consider longevity when evaluating existing hazards or selecting species to plant. Generally, longer-lived species are preferred, unless plans are made to periodically replace less persistent species. The environment in which a tree grows can also influence its potential for danger. The growth pattern of the tree and any soil raised on the side opposite the incline can provide clues as to when lean mass developed.

Trees that have grown tilted are not as dangerous as trees that were originally straight but that later tilted due to wind or root damage. Poor quality or harmful work done by inexperienced tree trimmers can also compromise the safety of the tree. When removing a hazardous tree, certified arborists take steps to limit damage to the site and residual trees. They will only perform necessary work and never offer services that could be harmful to the health of the trees. In conclusion, for a tree to be considered dangerous, it must be defective in some part or in its entirety, at risk of failure and have a threatened objective.

The age of the trees and environment in which they grow are also important factors in assessing their risk.